I love you so much! I hope that you had a great week! This week was
pretty good. We picked up another investigator. I was on exchanges so
I have not met them yet, but her and her family seem nice. The other
investigators that we have, we have not been able to get in contact
with them for a couple of weeks. One we have a lesson with
this Friday so hopefully that goes through. So the watch that I got for my
birthday has already died on me. It slowly loses track of time, where
in a couple of hours it will be behind by an hour or so. I am hoping
that it is just the battery but I am not too sure.
So we do a lot of service. One thing that we do every week is go help
the Hauses. They are the ones that their house was hit by a drunk
driver. They are pretty cool! I enjoy going over there. I have learned
a ton from helping them rebuild their house. We also help a couple
people with yard work and farm work. I really like to bale hay! Other
than that we are trying people a lot. I think soon we will start to go
tracting some more. I am not looking forward to that. But life is
still good!
I love you so much mom, I hope that you have an amazing week!
Elder Pennington the younger